presenter is menaka mohan. >> one-time i had to present when she was here. that was confusing. good afternoon. i am mennaca mohan a legislative aid for katie tang. thank you for hearing our legislation to attract small businesses. we are happy to partner with the supervisor's office to attract small businesses. your commission knows better than everyone opening a small business is long and confusing. this peeps piece of legislation addresses the change of use notification. given it is a confusing process, i thought i would walk through an example on the commercial district. right now, let's say a business owner wanted to open a restaurant in a space that used to be a clothing store or retail. under the zoning table we know the owner could look to see the restaurant are a permitted use with a p that is great. what the owner may not know they would have to do a 30-day notification for the change of use. they cannot open the shop until that process is completed. the change of use process is in planning code section 312. notices are mailed to people within 150 peopl 150 feet of th.