mendeh zargami's zendieh collection should be registered globally, but unfortunately, whatever we try to do in this in recent years and in the past years, you could not make an investment. first, you have to pay billions of tumans to buy land. after securing the land, you just enter the municipality and ask to get a permit from the municipality. half of the money went to buy the land, and the rest of the money has to come to our municipality to get it. tell me with which money to cheat and build a hotel or other investments. well, we zeroed this out in the city of tenokabon last year . they have a canopy. the country is currently being built, which will be facilitated by the interaction of the municipality and the provision of necessary exercises in the process of their exploitation, and the employment of 96 thousand people will be provided . the education of the islamic world began with the slogan of one book, one nation, the book of resistance. this course of competitions will be held in the fields of research reading, tertile reading and memorizing the entire quran. 99 participants