mendel epstein had a reputation for this sort of thing. he was known in the community as the rabbi who did things the other way. >> after serving six of his ten ar sentence, rabbi m del epstein was released from prison. we'll be right back. >> attention, medicare beneficiaries. if you have or are eligible for medicaid, please listen closely. you may be eligible for medicare advantage plan from wellcareor . call. now we can answer your questions and help you enroll over the phone. wellcare provides access to essential benefits that go beyond original medicare, such as dental, vision, hearing, and $0 or low prescription drug co-pays. with free home delivery, free over the counter healthcare items, free fitness benefits, well cares, telehealth services including online doctor visits, a digital, mental health and social support resource, plus extra benefits including the wellcare spendable debit card, which you can use for over-the-counter health items. wellcare is contracted with medicare to provide plans that may be right for you. call (877)