i believe congressman bobs accompanied her with congressman mendel rivers, who was a big powerful congressman in the state. and he kind ever went out on a limb to do everything he could for her. but i think she was treated pretty bad here in charleston. but overall how was she treated i guess through the rest of the south? and what was their relationship with the johnsons? >> thank you. it's nice with the campaign style and the approach in the south we're talking about. >> in 1964 we were in a whole different place because the president had signed the 1964 civil rights bill in the summertime and the south was up in arms. and mrs. johnson absolutely insisted on taking what was the lady bird special through the south saying, you know, this is the part of the country that i am from, i am not going to write off the south, and so they all got organized. i found just recently in my baseme basement, since i live in the house we grew up in, all of the advance work for the lady bird special in my mother's handwriting. and she has various places we can't find a local politician to show up. but the wome