sandra mendis and i am currently the president of the california healthcare foundation but served many years in the city and county of san francisco in the department of public health culminating in the director of being in the direct of the public health and i left there and went to the san francisco foundation, where the foundation runs a program that is really focused on cultivating multicultural leadership for public service. and you going to hear a case this afternoon on item three. about an employee of the puc who i have known for more than 15 years, miss elli, and she was a very successful candidate through the multicultural follow ship where i worked with her. and i watched her send in her work, really on behalf of the very disenfranchised community running the community development program and she then left the foundation and went to work for a not for profit where again she was quite successful in her leadership work and i watched passionately and i feel like the violations of ethics that were committed were ones that were in fact done not out of malic and really not fundamen