. >> mendi with sticky smoked ribs and a pure harvest tomato. >> tacos. >> that's it. that's what? that's a mouthful. >> where did you learn to cook like this? hatem, engineer from egypt. uh, emirati. >> sorry. egyptian born. emirati raised texas. trained in my backyard. and in bastrop, texas. shout out to south side market and brian bracewell. >> how do you fuze barbecue with arab culture? what's it all about? we talked about this earlier on, didn't we? it's like barbecue may not be as familiar here as it is to people from the states, but communal communal eating is really familiar, isn't it? >> 100% barbecue culture belongs everywhere in in the uae this is called if you cook this underground, it would be called tandoor, which is essentially the arabic word for underground barbecue. in jordan they call it zarb. in oman they call it shuwa. so barbecue culture is a huge part of arab culture, and we just added a texas twist to it. hey, well, we are getting ready to welcome in 2025. >> sarah al-madani is with me. >> megan is with me as well. >> megan is from the. which is the co-host