reassuring to see san francisco's elected officials stepping up from the mayor and his team hydra mendosa who provided extraordinary support for accreditation and the fine work to our city attorney to the strong expressions of support from nancy pelosi and our chronicle delegation. that makes us feel good but today senator leno takes an extraordinary important step and makes a great contribution. everyone agrees city college must stay open but with our bill senator leno city college will delivery and begin to emerge from the dark neutrons. i'm here to expend my daunt thanks to senator leno for taking on this challenging mission nothing related to campground is easy tempers are short but senator leno is a good and respectful loner and i have confidence he has the ability to craft the bill everyone can support. thank you senator leno we're very lucky to have you (clapping.) >> good morning. i'm president of the city college academic senate. thanks to everyone for their hard work and remarks. this legislation is important inform the instantly it is a restraining order stability of the colleg