sure menelik fan james patterson. what is the role?>> well, sherman did some last father was actually really extrude neri. sure many lives in seattle, has had a fan of plot to seattle area bookstores for a long time put out a challenge to his authors and the boat, put your time where your mouth is and why to use in the day hoping this worse do what they do. and that is sell books. so he put out a call on his twitter account, urging fellow writers to comment at their local bookstore and volunteer to be a bookseller for the data mall business saturday last november. amazingly we had over a thousand authors respond and those thousand authors showed up in hundreds, literally hundreds of stores across the country to work on small business saturday in contribute to what had been -- but was a great day in bookselling. sherman wanted very much to be able to demonstrate to us that the authors are on our side. we called it indecent worst. that is when he called it. it was both in terms of giving something back to the store is and also to ensure