development agreement or d.d.a., board did endorse the initial terms of that agreement in 2013, as miss menicini said, the term is the return to the developer for their capital contribution to the project. under the original term sheet, 20%. under this d.d.a., it's 18%. but the developer does get more participation in project revenues and that is on page 19 of the report. in terms of sort of the project financing, public financing for the horizontal infrastructure, the developer under the d.d.a. will construct the infrastructure. funding sources are shown on page 14 of our report. the sources and uses are estimated to be about $700 million, that's in current dollar value. the developers and the project source, project revenue financing this project have shown the table on page 14. the developer's equity contribution is estimated to be about 190 million. they have already contributed about 27 million of that towards entitlement costs. with their return, we estimate that the return to developer and the payment to developer will be around 268 million in current dollars. under the d.d.a., the develo