but perhaps most importantly, mayor menino has been there for boston. now, it's often said that more than 50% of boston residents have met mayor menino personal personally. i do not believe this is true. i believe the number must be much greater. it seems as if the mayor attends every community event, every potluck dinner, every school play and every soccer game. from growth hall to the north end, boden to west roxbury, we know mayor menino will be there for us in our moment of greatest triumphs. ribbon cutting for new parks, world series victories, new citizenship and a child's graduation. and we know he will be there for us in our moments of great tragedy -- the death of a loved one, terror in copley square. of course, he could not have done it alone. by his side for all these years, he has had angela mendoza-martinez. angela is a devoted wife, mother, and grandmother. to all of us in boston, she was not just a first lady but a first friend. angela championed causes that ofng went unheralded in the press, supporting women and children, employment, and