that case, would you rving menks? hi! that case, would you i di sing menks? (sighs) what about the vulcan? with their sense of ethics definitely on the side of labor. pass. i say this one's an "enter." lucky guess. mmm. quark isn't exactly his favorite person. wait a minute. i can't believe it. he's an "enter." not for long. where are you going? to talk some sense into him. commander! hold on! i cannot believe what i'm seeing. sir. if i could explain... three of my senior staff, brawling on the promenade. sir, we weren't brawling. maybe you should take a closer look at dr. bashir's forehead. he shouldn't have got in the way. i was try... i was trying tostopthe fight. we werenotfighting. then what were you doing? well, we... having a difference of opinion. yeah, i suppose... towards the end there, we might have... done a bit of shoving. according to odo that was an accident. it was just that things got a little out of hand. thingsgot more than a little out of hand. her find a way to settle this strike e. uh, captain? can we leave now? i'll tell constable odo t