menke wale at two o'clock. —— minke whale. o'clock. menke wale at two o'clock. -- minke whale. ? in such a vast area? what are the tell—tale signs? to find a wale? in such a vast area? what are the tell-tale signs? the easiest one is the body. when their black body comes up and you see the triangle shape dorsal fin. but also the blows. when you see their breath you know what species you have. really? you can tell the species from the breath? yes. it is incredible. how often do you see wales on these tours? we basically see them almost every trip that we go out stop in the end it is the crew. we have nutrient rich waters because it is cold. the colder the water, the more oxygen and with that the more life that you have. elsewhere in the world, travellers contact with wales is often in captivity where they are kept for public entertainment. globally, hundreds of whales are thought to live this way. but public appetite for holding these intelligent and social animals appears to be shifting. just last year, greenpeace due attention to dozens of beluga whales and orcas that had been