thousand nine hundred tax credit and i income filers in two thousand and five levy called the mental health services tax that took one percent of income over one million using tax return data the researchers examined out of the changes affected millionaire migration in or out of the state before and after the tax laws were passed the results were pretty straightforward a tax cut for the rich had no effect on more millionaires moving into the state and a mattress a modest top tax hike on the rich tax hike had no effect on more millionaires moving out of the state a similar study was conducted in new jersey with the same result. just the fact that these studies need to be done shows what a privileged position the wealthy have in our political debate in crafting policy nowadays the interests of the rich are carefully considered which is odd considering that it was the rich particular the rich on wall street who were responsible for crashing our economy just a few years back and push for policies that have devastated the middle class and created levels of wealth inequality never before seen in the united st