the mental welfare commission monitors psychiatric hospitals. but didn't hear the allegations we've heard from patients. we told them what we found. they say they're concerned and will follow up as necessary. the restraint experts we spoke to haven't been inside carseview. this very much seems reflective of an institution in crisis that needs to look at the culture and address the fact that force appears to be getting overused. if you were giving them marks for good practice, what mark would you give them? that's a difficult one, really. if you were saying "poor, good, excellent, very good" or whatever, i mean, i would certainly put this at the poor end, if not even abusive. professor tyrer goes further. "abuse" is a slightly overused term, but i think it'sjustified. what really concerns me, if it persisted, this unit, it would represent a continuing scandal in mental health care. so should it be closed down? i think it should be closed down. we asked nhs tayside if carseview should be shut down. they didn't answer that or any of the detailed po