and in one instance the author mentionedob the lobby i have a slogan that said we ruled china today we will rule the day tomorrow. that is their ambition but. >> quite a slogan. >> i think the american people are gradually wakinggo up. bipartisan spirit doing something right about this particular issue. i worry the european companies, even some western european countries are still not really appreciating that magnitude, seriousness of the problem are dealing with. >> i want to get into the stories we spend so much of your book on. especially storiesbo about wome, you really give so much attention what women have suffered. pick one or two of the women you wrote about and talk about what happened to them especially as women in the camps and also outside of the camps. that proved to with the uyghur camp survivors. because of limited space in the book the camp instructor, she was assigned to teach to the dude. most horrifying thing i've heard from her was even at her house she was subject to various abuses, even at her house. >> uses the family? >> this is partut of becoming. >> tells abou