the commanders are not super menuhuman, they're not unbiased. whether it's towards the one or the other, if it protects the redder predators it silences the prey. until we take it out of the chain of command and take it out of the commander's jurisdiction we'll continue to have this problem. >> we hear a lot in debates about good order and discipline. are there some commanders for whom silence and everybody just moving ahead is a better description of good order than somebody actually being punished and tried? >> that's an absolutely a great point. also to comment on something that you said earlier, this impression of this mystical warrior military is something--it's an obstruction to justice right now in the military. i think some of our members of congress are blinded by the brass, and they're actually doing our commanders a disservice. i think that that's absolutely going on. they would rather crush the problem, which they see as the accusation, and move along. that just encouraged predators to strike again. >> we have to take a short break.