in cape town, we have senior political and country risk analyst, menzi ndhlovu.rks at signal risk. and in london, christopher vandome, research fellow with the africa programme at chatham house. welcome to you all. if i could start with mlungisi first of all in eswatini, this is of course not the first time that we've had protests in eswatini. are the protests different this time around, though? >> indeed, the protests are quite different this time around. this time around, mswati is faced with a generation of young people, who have to take some time to look at themselves and decide the future they want for the country. and they arrived at a point where it cannot be business as usual. and they've got to take a step, and a decisive step toward the final blow into the life of this evil regime. sami: menzi, it sounds from what mlungisi is saying, this is quite serious. how accurate are the reports that protesters are being shot dead? >> yeah, so, due to the closure of the internet and the restrictions to communications, the number of casualties can't be entirely ver