. >> mercedes martinez is president of the teachers' federation. they've been trying to fight the school closures, but the government is now planning hundreds more. >> well, it's definitely a response from the government, and an attack towards the working class and the-- >> an attack on the working class? >> yes, definitely. there-- >> why on the working class? i mean, are the schools in areas where-- >> yes. all of the schools--that have been shut down have been in areas of impoverished communities. >> we're on our way to the jose melendez ayala school, which was closed just before the school year began. but the community has refused to leave until the secretary of education pays them a visit. >> so this is the school? >> yeah, this is the school. >> so this is mainly parents? >> these are parents, teachers, that are waiting for us to get here. >> when police arrived to clear the school out, the community made a stand. they've been camped outside for three months, welding the front gates shut so no-one can get in. they still hold the keys to the b