given that, looking to win , and meredithoval will be expanding, dealing with struggling magazines, likehomes and gardens." legends usesurfing technology to make what they do even more awesome? using 3-d cameras and a series of innovation to hunt for the biggest waves in the world. we have a first-hand look at how technology is changing what they surf and how you can see it. check it out. , and are surfing waves waves,ere are surfing three or four stories tall, ones that terrified. >> it almost feels a little bit too much sometimes. >> angst to technological innovation, this experience has been captured in a cutting edge surf movie. the film follows famed surfers as they try to catch the biggest waves in the southern sea, and this could not happen without the latest in tech. they start with imagery, from weather satellites, following the changing direction of storms, with google earth pictures looking for unknown big wave spots, and buoys measuring the ocean. >> so many things, like resources we can tap into now. raced to the expected spots with van loads of specialized equipment, with e