zones it has exhibitions that feature a number of places on a total of 5 continents along the 8 meridian east in just a few hours our reporters will feel the heat of the tropics and the chill of polar winds. but before they set off here's a look at what's coming up. we'll learn about research being done it africa's 1st climate monitoring station. here how geo engineering could be used to curtail climate change. what happens when permafrost is lost along coastlines and we talk to climate experts is on an awful lot. this is will be with us throughout our trip out for the climate zones to see did you physicists and the scientific director of this expression never think of her being with the business that why do we need such a climate. where no climate. climate change is talked about everywhere. but hell years ago. it wasn't in the media of the markets and we wanted to raise awareness for this important topic. now we've been talking about climate change for the last 30 years to start something new we can learn here where for example here we show people in the from climate zones how they have adap