. >> i am going to read a few more name, michael pulsano, meril beul. dana viacof. dina lamb. and steve sarver and borden. come up and if you could line up on our left, what would are your right, the aisle. thank you very much. >> go ahead. >> hello, my name is michael lusano and i am a recently on the board of san francisco, organizing project and inner faith action and more importantly i am a 62-year-old native san franciscan who is back where i grew up on tenth avenue and supervisor eric mar's district. and i was compelled to come today because attending the meeting last week at the board of public health, i was discouraged is the polite word after the meeting because it was basically roughly, 15, in favor and one gentleman against. and i just want to fully support and afopm or pr and i want to support closing this loophole. thank you. >> thank you very much. i appreciate that. >> next speaker. >> good morning, supervisors i'm meril, director of healthcare and coverage and access, it is eleven non-profit community healthcare, and more than 10 percent of the city's populatio