threatening to replace bank of america's management - if they did not go forward with deal to buy merill lynch. bank of america has received 45 billion in goverment aid plus guarantees on more than 100 billion in assets. confirmation hearings for supreme court nominee sonia sotomayor... are set to begin on monday. the senate judiciary committee will call dozens of witnesses to speak to sotomayor's personal character.. as well as her experience with the law. the list of witnesses include new york mayor michael bloomberg, former fbi director louis freeh, and various attorneys and community associations. ahead of this week's confirmation hearings, opinion polls indicate americans are divided on her nomination. and while she has the support of democrats on capital hill.... republicans are critical of some of her past rulings - including one that went against promoting white firefighters in connecticut that ruling was recently overturned by the supreme court. if confirmed, sonia sotomayor would be the third woman on the nation's highest court. time now for tracker talk less head to the cme group an