and i want the chairman of that committee to know that she must be merlin the magician, because in rapid fashion she brings the bill out of her committee and to the floor, along with her ranking, the senator from louisiana, senator vitter, and -- and this water bill is so important to the future of our country. and it's so important to infrastructure in this country. and so i just commend the chairman and the ranking member for the rapidity with which they have worn out the leadership in order to get the leadership's attention to bring it to the floor. now, what senator blunt and i are sponsoring is common sense, and anybody who's been through a hurricane or a tornado or any other kind of natural disaster knows what new building codes have done. well, there's a -- there's a fancy new term now called resilient construction, and the resilient construction is making it more resilient in the withstanding of a natural disaster. i'll never forget flying in a national guard helicopter after the monster hurricane in 1992, hurricane andrew, that hit a relatively unpopulated part of miami dade cou