it was called the merlo and the correct meeting. in other words, john boehner would have a merlo and obama would chu nicolette's. -- chew nicorettes. and they had iced tea for obama. of course, john boehner had his cigarette and put his cigarette in the ash tray away. they have not closed the deal. -- close to the deal on the personal relations. i think that is a shame. somebody said, instead of sponsoring a breakfast you should sponsor a weekly dinner between president obama and speaker john boehner and everyone would agree to pay for it and let them just talk and get to know each other. it is not -- [indiscernible] >> ok. when john was the fbi spokesman, he was often not helpful, but you could always get him on the phone and if you had a good story he could confirm it by laughing. a deep laugh men you were on the right track. no laughter meant, no. >> it looks like the tide is very much going against republicans. do you agree with that? >> welle, no, quite frankly. if i think in the short, political term, yes. the polling shows re