and the merm innocent five members of the security council on iran. it's unclear if a deal is going to be done. israel's fear is that the iranians try to create a wedge between washington and jerusalem to do just enough to encourage the united states that these talks are going somewhere. but not enough that will make it, you know, that will be decisive. for example, will israel if iran agrees to ship out their enriched uranium of 20% enrichment, will that be considered for israel enough, will israel agree that as an interim some people say there is no end that iran can enrich at the lower level. i don't want to bore you, i'm not a nuclear physicist. the hardest part of making a nuclear weapon is nuclear fuel. anything below 20% is hard to do. that's only reactor grade fuel. to go up to high enriched urine yum heu is weapons grade fuel. to go from 20% enriched but to 90% enrichment might only take a few months. for israel the fear is you can't cut it too close. because will you detect it in time and will you act on what you know if you do detect it in