it could trigger a run on a merrill or lehman or bayer. -- bear. >> those are very good questions. i think part and parcel of the liquidation planning. any bank holding company has to build resolution plans acceptable to us and the fed. -- and any other non-banking entity. so we should have plans in advance on the shelf. those will be updated and monitored. we are getting up a new office that will be staffed with experts and larger constitutions. -- expert in larger institutions. they are a national operation that will work on an on-going basis. i anticipate the resolution planning will be a continual. -- will be a continual process. we will have a plan on the shelf if something happens. i think with the lehman situation, they are of the size. there was at least one ready buyer for the bulk of lehman, i was told, i wasn't involved in this because of regulatory terms -- regulatory concerns about the credit quality and the need for speed in terms of making decisions and what kind of credit risk would be taken on. i think the faa had been concerned about that and a sale didn't go thro