. >> and look, mersa, one.he certain governors are saying, and the federal government has said, a more controversial on evictions and mortgage procedures and penalties for people who do that but there is a lot of big banks who took a lot of money from taxpayers last time around and much more profitable than they were, have we learned a lesson from 2008-2009, that the trick is to figure out how to keep all of those people going that jim was just talking about and how to keep the people who are just under the line going so they don't fall further and we don't have a yet bigger problem with long term unemployment and long term homelessness and long term working poor. >> no, actually, i don't think we have a way of, we don't have the tools, and the structure to actually do bottom-up support. what we have is federal reserve monetary policy, and even fiscal stimulus. a lot of that is premised on banks being an intermediary, and having the credit come down. and you know, credit unions sometimes do that. small banks ca