its program recruits home like mertaj, bank patterns and other businesses to provide homes to deserving veterans. >> this gentleman has donated 14 years of his life. and there's no way to repay that. but it's great as a company that we can give back to the military the way they give to us. >> reporter: the moncriefs doing the best they can, living on joe's disability check following his four tour was duty in cosovo, kuwait, and iraq. but the thought of owning their own >> it feels to get stable on our feet, and get the american dreamlike everybody else. >> homes on the homefront has given away more than 500 homes across the country to military families. and i'm told they still have about 100 to go. the moncriefs are hoping to move in christmas. >>> the moving wall on display on sunday it is a replica of the vietnam wall located in washington dc. it is now at west world in scottsdale, about half the size of the original. >> a lot of us had some survival guilt. so when we come up here to look at the wall and i was 21 when i came book from vietnam, and it still brings back a lot of memorie