35 feet wide one of the important aspects of the design is utilizing mertle as an residential entry point to the project that is one of the factors that the community was really excited about putting for easy on that street and making it safer here are existing photos in the right lower corner those are townhouse from the scheme you'll see making that relationship to the east townhouse not only in context but in scale the first scheme on the left is what we started this is actually allowed by code a two tower scheme the height in the area is one and thirty feet we choose to look at it definitely we choose to remass the entire building and look at a single tower but that have it carved out into more components that related to the equivocating building adjacent to them as well as townhouse on mertle we have a series of heights abc and one and 30 the allowable and the houses that are 35 adjoining just an overall site plan that is the terrace we have quest green escapes along the facade as you can see in the elevation one the challenging parts of this site a 9 to 10 percent slope very d