sounds like a tumor when you cut itto you know replace it with and then i don't mean it's literally too mertz it's it's it is a metaphor. and. i'm sorry what was the second part of the question what it is how is it yes do you think it's really true today that one can check out of the whole system if seems like that's not possible on some level well not yet you have to pay your taxes and dollars big corn isn't leaving tender yet not that's one of the ways that governments protect the monopolies is their seniority is what it really is the right approach is they make their currency the legal tender to pay taxes you can't do that yet but you can pretty much buy everything you need at overstock we're introducing more and more food products. and there's a lot of things you can't buy with bitcoin but as you buy more expiate will convert more and more to bitcoin that creates more incentive for people selling other products products such as housing or gasoline to start accepting bitcoin and so again the pitch virtual circle spend up that was overstocked theo patrick byrne time now for today's big deal