like one merzlyakhin hated him, everyone else simply adored him, well, maybe more than one merzlyakhinew what it all wasn’t... i wouldn’t have paid money, as this thing is unnecessary, you know, how it helps in my work, and if it gets in, who will come to you? so who will come to me? everyone here knows me, in short, does it work for you or not? i don’t know, they arrived, installed it, turned it on, okay, let’s go, show you where all the equipment is, but considering that lucharov’s people seized the recording in the morning, that means they had to find something, so what? we haven’t talked to you here, these results are impressive, contradictory results, that so contradictory here? look, 4 minutes after the crime was committed in the courtyards adjacent to the building where the crime was committed, an unknown person gets into a car, the same car appears on another camera, and we can already determine, here are the numbers, the numbers are determined, the owner of the car is determined, then there is actually a performer in... in our hands, what you don’t like, it doesn’t bother you