meschiken stressed is that what has been signed and what has been discussed is the starting point for the expansion of cooperation in various fields. there is what you mentioned about the security of the economic development of the joint capacities between the islamic republic and iran and iraq, what kind of grounds does it create, or how necessary is it in terms of strengthening the cooperation between the two countries ? let me tell you, and you have a plan. who was elected, see the trip he made to almost all the centers of power and to pay attention to the geometry of iraq means to travel to the center of iraq , baghdad, to erbil to sulaymaniyah to basra to najaf, now apart from its spiritual issues, this comprehensive view . which is sensitive for each of these points each of them had their own special sensibility , especially in kurdistan, when you expressed your language with that , and there was a lot of reaction because we witnessed it closely , it led to the fact that it was said that mr. barzani also spoke in persian, and this collection of literature did not meet. pay atten