police say on monday, meserve slashed himself with razor blades then demanded to be shot. an officer tasered him, but before he could be restrained, meserve allegedly kicked two other officers. with congress back in session, lawmakers are tackling a to do list to keep the government open past september 30. one of the hot topics is zika funding. cannot agree. reporter: republicans and democrats accuse the other of playing political football with zika. six months after president obama requested $1.9 billion for zika, the stalemate continues. >> the fight has been over where the money should go and where it comes from. >> the motion is not agreed to. reporter: democrats blocked a $1.1 billion zika measu saying it included restrictions on planned parenthood. >> speaker ryan, please bring a clean bill to the floor. reporter: democrats want a bill that deals with zika and nothing else. >> this is an issue we will have to resolve this month. just so you know, the house did its job. the senate has been blatantly political. >> we are starting to see efforts by republicans that say,