metadata is about data. that may sound esoteric. the issue for data, i think, is how do you know what you're looking for, how can you find what you're looking for? if i want all data about campaign finance, that is metadata. but if i want data about the campaign finance contributions to this member of congress, you can dig deep into a single database. so sunlight is trying to create collections of data, mashing data together so that you can have a bigger picture of the data and what its impact might be. >> host: what processes does your organization then go through to make sure this information is presented just as it is and not interpreted like you talked about at the beginning? >> guest: right. well, data is data, so the organizations that we mostly fund to create data have long-standing reputations in taking data that comes out of government and then putting that into searchable data formats and not, not playing with the data at all, not interpreting the data at all. so whether that's open or follow the or f