this was jewelry; over there was spices, metalworking bazaar, moneylending, you name it, they had it. these days, most of it's been turned over to tourist shops. but, can you imagine what it was like in the silk road days? must have been amazing. today, many of the craftsmen and traders in bukhara's bazaars are still carrying on the ancient silk road traditions. >> sixth generation. >> sixth generation metalworker right here, making a gorgeous knife. check these out, wrong time of year i think, but he's pushing these fur hats. >> it turkmen hat. >> turkmen hat, you must not sell many of these in july. oh, it is nice, i can see, very flattering. >> cat. >> cat? >> cat, cat, meow. >> all right. it's a little julie christie in dr. zhivago, i think. >> ten dollars. >> too much. >> too much? ok, 100 dollars, good? 100 dollars cheap, 10 dollars too much, madame. it's normal. >> how does it look? good? >> very good. >> five bucks. a lot of things have been traded here throughout the centuries, but it's the bukhara carpets that are world-renowned. and i've heard about a great place to check s