aroundd 3 lets check in with chief meteorrlogisttvytas reid. 3 edes: "i was appalled whee my - supervvsordfor tte way she looks .../ why this p told her ...she was - tto sexy... for her own safety. & ad to druu abuse? -3 abuse? acccrding... to... ne netherlands tudy.../ there... miggt be a llnk...//. áásurveysáá taken....froo peoplee.. -3 15- to- 25-years-old.../ who listenee tt... áriskyá -3 mmssc.../ n ... liiely... to... smoke 3 added t...haa abouu ...40--ercenn of thoss... who listen to loud musii concerts and cluus .../ weree../ more likely... o... binge drink.../ -33 and... iiconsistently 3 during sex. p3 a man who haa 30 3 children with 11 different tennessee for help with his child supportt aymeets. 3 desmood hatchett haasworks a minimum wage job and with & everyypaycheck,,half of itt 3&pwith onny a doolaa and pfrty-ninn cent per pheck...per month. hatchettt appeered n court in 2009 whenn pe only fathered 1 kkds ann - claimed that he haddno intentioos oofhaving more. but now 3 yearr and nine kids lattr he's asking for a reakk &pon those payments. hatthett holds theekent coun