. >> just briefly, i agree with judy said about the by laws when created metma we set term limits. no one can hold an office for more than 2 consecutive 2 year terms. the reason is you don't want an organization to be with an individual or ideaiology. we have elections every other year. nominations in august and november meeting we have the election. every even year. except for the treasurer we want to keep the treasurer, other than that every officer must leave after 4 years. that, i think is the key poinlt much the other thing is make individual contacts with those individuals who you think have a hidden agenda or something else not aligned with what you are doing. talk to them individually outside of the setting and invite them to attend to be positive. i think the key is again, communication and to be positive. i think if you can do that and get them along the lines of what your organization is doing you will be ahead of the game. >> i think we have time for one more question. >> excellent. you have to repeat the question. >> the question raised is how does neighborhood associa