especially been around a month it could we keep seeing the retreat in the tiny bit outside the metro dade police who whilst i. complain about something they didn't make snow says insult just any time soon when we asked them something a when we had changing our i mean we slammed on for ice. to stay here instead now with its power and is that we need hours because the time and then there was a reasonable snake in here he's saying to give us. the house is at now it's not ok . and the township the minister policy is suddenly doing things wrong and so it is you think that that meets now that our shop and their shoes are facing the square money. could you and i dream up the possibility that one of the women at the company said you would stand for it said the local municipal up much. as. it. was you need feet. are. another ten who think the way i was up to me i won't believe you give us another one sorry we have another table we have it all. i'm just i'm still so up to find out i mean sweet. ok let's move on. to sis push. future. to. her. or her mom's home this is. our. palms farm for a. few structures