sam is part of a group called metrocaition and they were shooting a music video for a song. >> so iten a prank? >> no. they're just out there making a music video. this whole music video never got put together until that blooper of the ladies screaming went viral. they finally decided maybe it's time to put this music video together and release it. we have sam joining us "right this minute" to tell us more about it. >> hi. >> so what made that clip catch fire and when did it really start to go viral? >> it was over a fourth of july weekend, my brother spends a lot of time on reddit. one of his favorite places is public freakouts. he remembered i had this clip on youtube of this woman freaking out. put it on reddit. i saw it had, like, 60,000 views. >> have these women come up and say hey i've been in therapy for the last five years? >> no. nobody's gotten ahold of me yet. i have no idea who they are. they just came around the corner. i was puppeting this thing. i was in the middle of a shot and i didn't want to stop. and they hadn't seen me at that point. so i had this thought if i c