. >> it hapappened a miami-dade metromover ststion. miami with the disturbing details. >> reporter: when the judge in bond court was reviewing the papers on this case, you could hear her mutter under her breath this is why you don't let kids go to ultra. this is what happened last night. a young woman from brazil was extremely intoxicated. shc was trying to get on the park west platfm just a block west of biscayne boulevard when the man who was the maintenance supervisor at this platform took advantage of her state and raped her. ultra is supposed to be all this. >> count 1, $10,000. count 2, no bond. >> reporter: this metromover maintenance supervisor took advantage of an extremely intoxicated participant and raped her. >> it's the worst thing that can happen to a woman. to be raped, that's the worst thing that can happen to them. ey're here to visit our country, to enjoy what our country has to offer, and this is what they receive. >> reporter: the young woman came to t ts station after she left ultra. she was so intoxicatat the auth