for the story, so as not to start up a stroke. let's talk about how to avoid it together with our expert doctor, neurologist, chief specialist of the metropolitan department of health for primaryh care for the adult population ph.d. well, i think it's time, probably, to explain to people what a stroke or cerebrovascular accident is, that is, normal. the brain is an organ that requires a lot of blood, because it requires oxygen for its work, and it requires glucose, respectively, these nutrients are supplied with the blood flow. the bridge consumes about 15-20% of the total volume of circulating blood. while it is a relatively small body, accordingly, the brain must be very abundantly supplied with blood. yes, for this we have the carotid artery. we have vertebral arteries that provide blood to the brain, but for various reasons , one of the larger and smaller blood vessels can become blocked, and as a result, a person has a shortage of blood supply. in which case of the brain and this ischemic area at first does it function poorly, and later in it, the neurons bend and die completely irrevocably and unfortunately, in many cases, a stroke is fraught with that some functions of