jonathan metzl.e department of medicine, health, and society, at vanderbilt. his new book is "what we've become, living and dying in a country of arms." dr. metzl, thanks for joining us. the key message here in your book is that people who have long fought for better gun-control measures including yourself, things like red flag laws and background checks, that they have been arguing for this public health approach and you argue that approach is wrong. can you explain a little bit? dr. metzl: i would not say it is wrong. i would say i have done the last five years doing a deep dive into very traumatic and racially charged mass shooting that happen here in my hometown of nashville. what i found is that on the one hand, i'm an advocate for gun laws. i think we need stronger national gun laws. but as i uncovered the before and after of the case and really tracked the story of how not just a mentally ill white man, but a naked white man, how did a guy like that even get a gun, how did he get to the waffle