meucci that tell you that there was a lot of this out do you actually know who all got all the girls who are saying. you are take a bath. say who graduated i mean you once you know you know. what i see now it's all the shelf life. see ya. know i don't want all of the i don't know what i have yeah but i was really i mean i talked to them to each team visit as many patients as possible it's good for them and of course for the health system. it costs a fraction of the price than it would tell have them hospitalized. with nearly one hundred billion dollars spent on tackling chronic illnesses in the last decade the only way for china to have a chance to provide sustainable health care is to have gate keepers like dr louis. the past decades have been a rule coaster. for most cradle to grave have fessed up to a profit driven market system in the one nine hundred eighty s. . and it's back to basic health care for everyone every day new initiatives that announced e.l.c. are simple which unfold as you have the money what should you go solo poorly to ship what insult a long face. being that can