translation: in the teachings of mevlana everything has a meaning. hat symbolises the value of these things. so you put the sikke on your head, like this, and the ribbon comes down to your heart. the green band symbolises knowledge and you can think of this like a channel, which means all knowledge should lead to the heart and to love. if knowledge doesn't reach the heart, then it's worthless. although whirling dervishes perform for tourists in many parts of the islamic world, here at the mevlana rumi centre, i'm told that i'll see something far more authentic and purely devotional. now, i hear that they put on this performance every saturday night, i'm really looking forward to watching this. chanting each devotional session or sama is led by a sheikh, who commands the ritual. singing each devotional session or sama is led by a sheikh, who commands the ritual. each of the dancers whirl with their right arm directed upwards towards god, whilst their left arm points to the earth. through this unique act of motion and meditation, sufi believe they can