but you also have deregulation and paychex help mez and a lot of other people with regulations. how does the tradeoff come out plus or negative for paychex? >> i think there's always going to be some regulation, and i also think that at least for the next two years, there's going to be a great amount of change in regulation. when there's change, especially the amount of change i think we're going to see under the trump administration, clients are going to need someone like paychex and look to someone like paychex to help them through what is changing and what do they need to do. >> if there is deregulation, i have to believe companies in the small to medium size, which are very afraid and really need paychex, would come to you and also do hiring at the same time. >> well, i think they would, and i think what we're going to see also, don't forget even while federal regulations may go down, state regulations will tend to jump up because they're going to look for ways to make revenue if the feds decrease some of the regulations. i think we could see that. i also think the hiring --