no issues and it wasn't observed at all until those three weeks later on june 6th when the staff at mga came back and noticed the burnt holes that were discovered. no one had an expectation that the particular fire incident that happened on june 6 would be precipitated from the may 12th test. >> i guess that gets to the essence of my question. these batteries, when it was traumatized, when you had the crash test on may 12th, it then began to leak and there was evidence that there was a leaking orange fluid. and my concern is, is that this safety administrators didn't have the wherewithall or the knowledge that this leaking battery would cause a problem given that battery and the energy behind it. and the dangers. and so my question to you is, why was that car stored with other cars? why wasn't that battery drained? why wasn't that handled, why wasn't it handled as if someone understood the dangers with regards to this lithium ion battery? >> our engineers and the test facility engineers actually know of the dangers and the issues regarding lithium ion in terms of how much energy they st