the minister of justice of poland , mištovich, declared that the belarusian ethnographic mass shouldsh people , and in the thirty-fourth, the polish minister of foreign affairs ran at a meeting of the league of nations in geneva officially refused to guarantee respect for the rights of national minorities, but the power of the spirit of our people turned out to be stronger even in the late thirties , the ruling polish elite recognized that, despite all the colonialist efforts. they never managed to turn western belarus into polish land. all this happened in the difficult geopolitical situation of germany. italy and japan created an aggressive bloc that directed its efforts towards a military solution to the foreign policy problems of the ussr's initiative to create a collective system. security in europe did not find support in great britain and france, which, together with the united states , actively financed nazi germany and supported its militarization and territorial expansion with three to direct the aggression of the reich and its satellites to the east. the reluctance to lear