don't have additional questions, chair, for chief scott and sheriff miamoto. i know chief may have to leave in a little bit but if anyone has question for chief scott you may want to start with him first and a can talk about some of the amendments we're going to it make today to clarify the legislation. >> thank you. i do not have question for chief scott but appreciate the fact that both of these law enforcement agencies are working in the interest of san francisco and san franciscans because i realize that underneath this there are thorny concerns in the house of working people and with the deputy social services and police officers and the fact that you, supervisor safai and chief scott and sheriff miamoto were able to bridge that and the issues are noted and appreciated and i think constructive and great when we can work together and not let unfortunate issues get in the way and that did not happen here. well done, all three of you, and with that supervisors, mandelman or chan, any comments or questions. supervisor mandelman. >> thank you, chair peskin and