the police seized it in the miatel district in the village of a student, the operatives found a mini warehouse of combustible lubricants at their home. it was kept by one year old local resident in a barn, law enforcement officers found dozens of canisters in which 685 liters of colored diesel fuel. according to the man, he allegedly bought diesel fuel. wow, people he did not know, but in the biblical area. a large forest fire was put out on the eve of the begomsky forestry, it was previously established that an area of 9 hectares was burning to eliminate the forces and resources of three leskozes on the run. from which deep and borisov, due to a fire, a dangerous situation, a ban on visiting forests has been introduced in many parts of the country. a teenager without a license on a motorcycle was stopped by traffic police officers in the mozyr district suspicious bike with headlights off. the inspectors noticed paddocks near the village. they stopped the motorcyclist, as it turned out not in vain that the sixteen-year-old young man did not have a driver's license, the transport be