commissioner miburger >> thank you. i atepd thd pacific pension snult conference on diversification through real assets and it was very interesting. [inaudible] a member of the public make presentation of ways to deal with the melt down. to me the direct answer is invescing in real assets. i xoe he isn't here but that sh the best way more than hedge funds. research has shown that is the greatest effect. a lot of very nertesting presenters were there . i did moderate a session so it was interesting lingening to the different approaches about investing in real assets. to me infrastrugture and agriculture is the ways to invest in real assets. those are the issues. weak on commodities. its more short term oriented like golds and silver are real assets but more so on using futures and augzs to deal with that so don't think that was substant tchb. the key note address was former ambassador chaz freedman who was the ambassador during the first gulf war. he talked about the iron silk road. anyone heard of this before? i never h